Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Do I Have Dementia? (A baseline test)

 If you are reading this, either you are worried you have dementia, or you are worried your loved one might. To be most accurate, you should help the other person with directions but in NO WAY the actual answers. Sometimes if we are having trouble we get frustrated and cheat or give up. If you have to cheat or give up... you failed. So don't do either, take your time, and forge ahead.

How Well Are You Thinking?
 Self-Administered Gerocognitive Examination (SAGE)
Name________________________________________________________ Date of Birth ______/______/_____
How far did you get in school? _____________________________________ I am a Man______ Woman______
I am Asian__________ Black__________ Hispanic__________ White__________ Other__________
Have you had any problems with memory or thinking? Yes________ Only Occasionally________ No________
Have you had any blood relatives that have had problems with memory or thinking? Yes________ No________
Do you have balance problems? Yes________ No________
If yes, do you know the cause? Yes (specify reason)_______________________________ No________
Have you ever had a major stroke? Yes________ No________ A minor or mini-stroke? Yes______ No________
Do you currently feel sad or depressed? Yes________ Only Occasionally________ No________
Have you had any change in your personality? Yes (specify changes)________________________ No________
Do you have more difficulties doing everyday activities due to thinking problems? Yes________ No________
1. What is today’s date? (from memory – no cheating!) Month___________ Date_______ Year_________
2. Name the following pictures (don’t worry about spelling):
Answer these questions:
3. How are a watch and a ruler similar? Write down how they are alike. They both are… what?
4. How many nickels are in 60 cents? ___________________________
5. You are buying $13.45 of groceries. How much change would you receive back from a $20 bill?
6. Memory Test (memorize these instructions). Do later only after completing this entire test:
At the bottom of the very last page: Write “I am done” on the blank line provided.
 7. Copy this picture:

 8. Drawing test
- Draw a large face of a clock and place in the numbers
- Position the hands for 5 minutes after 11 o’clock
- On your clock, label “L” for the long hand and “S” for the short hand

 9. Write down the names of 12 different animals (don’t worry about spelling):

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

 Review this example (this first one is done for you) then go to question 10 below:
Draw a line from one circle to another starting at 1 and alternating numbers and letters (1 to A to 2 to B to 3 to C).


 10. Do the following: Draw a line from one circle to another starting at 1 and alternating numbers and letters
in order before ending at F (1 to A to 2 to B and so on).


 Review this example (this first one is done for you) then answer question 11 below:
- Beginning with 1 triangle and 1 square
- Move 2 lines (marked with an X)
- To make 2 squares and no triangle
- Each line must be part of a complete square (no extra lines)

 11. Solve the following problem:
- Beginning with 2 squares and 2 triangles
- Move 4 lines (mark with an X)
- To make 4 squares and no triangles
- Each line must be part of a complete square (no extra lines)


 12. Have you finished? ___________________________________


How to score the results: (farther down is what the results mean)

 Self-Administered Gerocognitive Examination (SAGE)
Average time to complete the test is 15 minutes. 
The maximum score is 22. A score of 17 and above is considered normal.

The test is self-administered. It should be filled out in ink without the assistance of others.  
Calendars and clocks should not be available during the testing. 
Do not answer specific questions. Just say, “Do the best that you can”.

Non-Scored Items:
Insight: Have you had any problems with memory or thinking?
Family History
Motor symptoms
Stroke symptoms
Depression symptoms
Personality changes
Functional abilities

Scored Items:

1. Orientation: Total possible points are 4
Month: 1 = Correct
0 = Incorrect

Date: 2 = exact
1 = ± 3 days
0 = All else
Year: 1 = Correct
0 = Incorrect

2. Naming: Total possible points are 2. Correct spelling not required.
Each Picture: 1 = Correct
0 = Incorrect

3. Similarities: Total possible points are 2. Correct spelling/grammar not required.
2 = Abstract
1 = Concrete
0 = All else

4. Calculation: Total possible point is 1.
1 = Correct
0 = Incorrect

5. Calculation: Total possible point is 1.
1 = Correct
0 = Incorrect

6. Memory: Points given below in twelve.

7. Construction: Total possible points are 2.
3-D figure: 2 = 3-D, parallel lines within 10° and correct shape
1 = 3-D but lines not parallel within 10° or otherwise
incorrect shape
0 = All else

8. Construction: Total possible points are 2.
Clock: 4 components: Clock face, clock numbers (all 12 numbers in
correct order clockwise and approximately correct quadrant
position), hand positions (hands to correct time and must be joined
near clock center), and hand size (actual or if labeled correctly)
2 = 4 of 4 components correct
1 = 3 of 4 components correct; one of the three correct
components must be hand positions
0 = All else

9. Verbal fluency: Total possible points are 2. Correct spelling not required.
2 = 12 different items listed
1 = 10 or 11 different items listed
0 = 9 or less different items listed

10. Executive: Total possible points are 2.
Modified Trails: An error is if two items that should be connected are not or if two
items that should not be connected are.
2 = Perfect or self-corrected errors only
1 = 1 or 2 errors
0 = More than 2 errors

11. Executive: Total possible points are 2.
Problem solving: Forms 1 and 2:
2 = Correct lines moved or marked and final diagram
1 = Correct lines moved or marked and no final
diagram drawn Or
Correct lines moved or marked but final diagram
incorrect Or
No lines moved or marked and final diagram
0 = All else including lines moved or marked
incorrectly but final diagram correct

12. Memory: Total possible points are 2.

Forms 1 and 2:
2 = Exact wording only, nothing extra: “I am done”
1 = Must contain the word “done”: “Yes, I am done”,
“done”, others
0 = All else

Total points = 0 (minimum) – 22 (maximum)


Explanation of SAGE Scoring Please see the table below.